The number of table applications we’ve received in just 15 days has been amazing and overwhelming! We had planned to leave registration open for a full month, but we are already beyond our current table capacity at Lawndale Art Center. Thus, we’ve decided to shut down registration early. We are still learning how best to time things and it looks like registration will have to be a much narrower window next year. For the moment, the ZFH team will begin reviewing applications and doing our best to accommodate everyone who has applied.
If you applied for a full table, but are willing to go down to a half table, please get in touch ASAP at info@zinefesthouston.org
We will send out emails in early September to confirm or deny table applications.
If you have not yet applied, but are interested in putting your name on a waiting list, we encourage you to get on our waitlist. We regularly have folks drop out at the last minute.
To get on the Zine Fest Houston waiting list, click here.
Please carefully read the form, as we have new requirements for tablers in terms of table content. We reserve the right to turn down registration that does not fit the criteria or spirit of the festival.
Questions? Check the Tabling FAQ!
Email us at info@zinefesthouston.org for any further questions or information.