2022 ZFH Schedule
12:00 pm
12:00 pm – 6:00pm
Demos with Houston LARPing group Dagorath
12:30 pm
Guided Tour of The Orange Show (2402 Munger)
2:00 pm
Alternative Zine Formats with Ruben Ramires (Art Car Carport)
Let’s go beyond the very known 8 page zine! In this workshop we will explore some funny and creative ways of making alternative zines with materials that will be provided to you and that you can easily find at a low cost everywhere. The focus will be more on the format itself, not the content. At the end of this workshop hopefully you will deconstruct some ideas you have about zines and find funny ways to make your own!
2:30 pm
Guided Tour of The Orange Show (2402 Munger)
3:00 pm
Monarch Chamber Players Performance (Smither Park Bandshell)
4:00 pm
Quick Crankies with lo-fi puppets + stuff (Smither Park Pavilion)
Crankies or Crankie Boxes are one of the many places that the Performing Arts and Visual Arts meet in an absolutely magnificent way. Crankies are particularly well-suited for Zine Fest because of their inherent DIY handmade aesthetic and endless possibilities. We will go over some quick history, zip through methods, and then get down to making your first crankie. Kits will be provided.
5:00 pm
Building Worker Power with DSA Houston (Smither Park Pavilion)
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is a national political organization dedicated to building working-class power through mass politics and labor organizing. Houston DSA will highlight the local work done to advance the labor struggle, the Rank and File strategy, and why it’s important for everyone to show solidarity with efforts like Starbucks Workers United here in our community!
6:00 pm